Grant Program Details & Application Form

The Illinois Credit Union Foundation offers a single grant program for credit unions.  Grant applications are reviewed throughout the year on a rolling basis and applicants are notified of determination within 30 days of application receipt. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis, so credit unions are encouraged to apply as early in the year as possible.

The grants are limited to $10,000 maximum per credit union per year.  Credit unions eligible to apply for grants must be members in good standing with the Illinois Credit Union League.

The purpose of the grants program is to stimulate credit union growth.  The chart below represents majority of the categories for the grants along with descriptions and examples.


Category Description/Examples
Communications New/upgraded website, promotion of new products/services/FOM changes
Critical/Urgent Need Replace/repair broken critical equipment/ platforms necessary for operations, includes unanticipated expenses related to natural disaster
Financial Education Funds cover cost for CU to host educational programs for or provide educational platform to members /public
Financial Health Create/expand programs to improve the financial health/wellbeing of CU staff and members
New Products/Services Adding mobile banking, text messaging, lending options, savings vehicles, loan offerings, etc.
Obtaining CU designations CDFI, MDI, Juntos Avanzamos, etc. / Securing funding from outside organizations such as NCUA, Inclusiv, foundations, etc.
Regulatory Compliance / Fraud Prevention New enhancements/features to reduce fraud, ease compliance burden, etc.
Serving Marginalized Populations Create/expand programs to meet needs of marginalized or un/underserved communities including lending & savings products/services
Technology Purchase software, hardware, upgrades, new computers & related equipment to improve/expand service to members
Other Requests for items not listed will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Association dues
  • Audits and assessments
  • General operating expenses
  • Regulatory fees

Credit unions must complete the online grant application form and submit it to the Foundation.  Reports from the credit unions who are awarded grants will be filed with the Foundation before grant funds are released.

Please enter a number from 1 to 10000.
Be as specific as possible; include dollar amount for each requested item, indicate if you have copies of proposals, estimates and/or partnership agreements available.

Provide organization name, contact person with email address & phone number, website. Describe partner organization's role in project.