CU Awards

America's Credit Union Awards

Is your credit union leading something remarkable or admirable, or just somehow making the world a better place? Celebrate it with an application for America's Credit Union Awards at state level recognition! As part of America’s Credit Unions transformation, the national award program is temporarily suspend.

These distinguished awards showcase remarkable work of credit unions from all over. From community projects to financial education, you're sure to be astounded! Winners of the state level recognition will be honored during ICUL's Celebration Luncheon during Annual Convention.

The nomination portal is now closed. The deadline for this year's submissions was August 2, 2024.

Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award

This award honors the work of credit unions to strengthen local institutions and materially improve the lives of nonmembers through community outreach programs other than personal finance education.

Louise Herring Philosophy-in-Action Member Service Award

Named after the “Mother of Credit Unions” this award is given to a credit union for its practical application of credit union philosophy within its internal operations.

Desjardins Youth Financial Education Award

Honoring the importance of teaching personal finance concepts and skills to our younger generations, this award recognizes credit union efforts aimed at members and nonmembers under age 18.

Desjardins Adult Financial Education Award

This award acknowledges leadership within the credit union movement on behalf of financial literacy education to members and nonmembers ages 18 and older.

ICUL Annual Credit Union Awards

The ICUL Annual Credit Union Awards are a great way for credit unions to recognize staff and board members for their hard work and dedicated involvement. ICUL offers three awards to shine a spotlight on the unique contributions of each recipient. ICUL Awards nominations ended in June 2024. 

This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have tirelessly given their time, talents and ingenuity to preserve and expand the credit union movement. These pioneers who organized and ran credit unions, chapters or leagues are honored for their accomplishments.

Leadership Award – Recognizes an individual’s contribution to the credit union movement in Illinois at the state and/or national level. Current or former leaders from credit unions, ICUL, and professional and regulatory organizations are eligible.

Lifetime Achievement Award – Recognizes an individual’s lifetime contribution to credit unions and/or chapters in Illinois. Current or former board members and volunteers are eligible.

This recognizes one volunteer and one employee within the ICUL movement. It honors the unsung heroes — credit union staff and volunteers — who take extraordinary efforts to exemplify “people helping people” in their everyday lives.

Volunteer of the Year – Outstanding achievement or innovation by a credit union volunteer to create stronger member and/or community awareness of credit unions. This volunteer’s belief in the credit union philosophy is demonstrated on a continuous basis. His/her contributions have significantly furthered the credit union spirit of “people helping people” within his/her credit union and/or community.

Employee of the Year – Outstanding achievement or innovation by a credit union employee to create stronger member and/or community awareness of credit unions. This employee’s actions exemplify the credit union spirit of “people helping people” through his/her individual initiative and involvement within his/her credit union and/or community. (Nominees for Employee of the Year MUST work for the same credit union as the person submitting award nomination.)

This award is given to outstanding credit unions under $50 million in assets.

Small Credit Union Award – Recognizes the accomplishments, time and is designed to recognize accomplishments, time and effort in support and promotion of the credit union movement by professionals serving credit unions under $50 million in assets. Award recipients will be recognized at the League’s Annual Convention.