It is not just about having money, it's about having peace of mind. When consumers can fully meet current and future financial obligations while feeling secure in their financial future and able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life - that is financial wellness.
Credit unions can thrive by meeting members where they are in their individual financial journey, with the right solutions at the right time. Embracing financial well-being as a strategy will help your credit union grow, members and employees thrive, and communities prosper.
The ICU Foundation commissioned the 2024 Multicultural Opportunity Report (MOR) from Coopera and is providing it at no cost to ICUL-Affiliated CUs to help serve the evolving demographic population in the state and driving toward financial wellbeing for all.
Multicultural Opportunity ReportICUL's Financial Well-Being for All Video Series showcases inspiring credit union stories of financial inclusion. Watch their journeys and discover how credit unions are making a positive impact in their communities.
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